WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Left ratcheted up the smear campaign against Trump judicial nominee for North Carolina’s Eastern District Thomas Farr in recent weeks to paint him as a racist. Sen. Chuck Schumer joined the NAACP in an effort to ‘Kavanaugh’ Farr, and it appears to have worked.
Republican Senator from South Carolina Tim Scott officially sank Farr’s chances for confirmation when he announced Thursday that he could not support him. Scott essentially bought the Left’s narrative hook, line, and sinker.
“Sen. Tim Scott said Thursday he will oppose the nomination of Thomas Farr to the federal bench, assuring the controversial pick will not be confirmed.
The South Carolina Republican was the deciding vote in determining whether Farr, accused of efforts to disenfranchise black voters, would become a U.S. District Court judge in the Eastern District of North Carolina. The seat has been open since Jan. 1, 2006.
Scott’s decision comes after four days of intense drama and speculation about what the Senate’s only black Republican would do.”
When you’re in the company of Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) in opposing an otherwise accepted Trump nominee, that’s a problem.
In their smear campaign against Farr, the Left focused on his role in the campaigns of Sen. Jesse Helms (long a boogie man for the Left) and his alleged role in an effort to dissuade black voters from going to the polls. Farr maintains he had no knowledge of mailers that warned certain voters against casting ballots.
The subject of the Left’s other line of attack was far more recent; assigning Farr racist sympathies due to his role in the legal defense of the N.C. General Assembly district maps, which were found by a court to be unconstitutional due to ‘racial gerrymandering.’
Scott seemed convinced by these arguments to oppose Farr.
“I am ready and willing to support strong candidates for our judicial vacancies that do not have lingering concerns about issues that could affect their decision-making process as a federal judge,” Scott said in his statement. “This week, a Department of Justice memo written under President George H.W. Bush was released that shed new light on Mr. Farr’s activities. This, in turn, created more concerns. Weighing these important factors, this afternoon I concluded that I could not support Mr. Farr’s nomination.”
Jeff Flake mentioned Farr defending “certain maps” in his explanation of why he would oppose Farr.
““One thing after another after another. I did vote for him in committee. Additional information has come to light — I’ve studied it more, at least — about decisions that he’s made to defend certain maps or whatever else and then questions with regards to the Jesse Helms letter have never been fully answered to my satisfaction,” said Flake, who is retiring from the Senate and will not return in January.”
The acceptance of this narrative that Farr has engaged in racist political activities due to his work with Helms – 30 years ago – and defending Republican drawn legislative maps in North Carolina, is disappointing to say the least.
Other judicial nominees may be put forward, or President Trump could renominated Farr in 2019 when the Senate has a slightly larger majority. As it stands now, though, the Left’s tactic of smearing Farr was successful in pulling Republicans away from his confirmation. That kind of validation for Democrats will only encourage more of these attacks in the future.
Read more about the controversy surrounding Farr here.
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