WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald J. Trump will present his fourth State of the Union address in what is expected to be an optimistic speech heralding the successes and achievements of the American people, promoting solutions for ongoing issues, and reminding the nation that the true state of the Union is one of strength, growth, and keeping America great.
There’s certainly a lot to be optimistic about. Despite the Democrat’s unhinged rhetoric, the ongoing sham impeachment trial, and an incessant, subversive resistance to Trump and what he represents, the Democrats have failed to pull the American people over the cliff with them. Instead, most Americans recognize the nature of the witch hunt, but more importantly they see and feel the positives of the Trump presidency in their everyday lives.
In many ways, this is still a campaign speech. Trump adviser Stephen Miller, one of the few the president reportedly trusts completely, will be writing the speech. Miller has mostly played a role behind the scenes on policy and messaging, particularly with respect to the president’s fight against illegal immigration, but he has earned a reputation as an exceedingly sharp mind unafraid of challenging political correctness in the name of conservative, America first policies.
Of course, addressing a room in which a good many of its members are actively trying to remove you from office in a sham impeachment is not exactly a run of the mill SOTU address. And Donald Trump is no run of the mill president. So tonight, whether optimistic, or cutting, or both, is sure to be a quite memorable speech.
You can watch it live at 7:00 PM below:
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