UFO enthusiasts are, well, enthused at a mysterious ‘sonar anomaly’ identified by the NOAA and being investigated by divers this week. It could be a shipwreck, a reef of some sort, or maybe they’ve finally stumbled across Hillary’s missing emails.
“NOAA has not been afraid to notch up suspense about the area, noting it could be “an archaeology site, a geological formation or otherwise.”
It’s anybody’s guess what “otherwise” means, but UFO enthusiasts might be tingling with ideas.
The site is being called the “Big Dipper Anomaly” by the crew aboard NOAA’s Okeanos Explorer, which launched a remotely operated vehicle in the area at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.
Experts believed the anomaly might be a shipwreck, but were leaning toward “a geological formation with biological communities and other debris” later in the day, according to TV station WTKR in Virginia. An official accounting of their findings has not been released yet.
The location of the anomaly is being kept confidential.”
The remote submarine explore has a live video stream you follow here as it maps the formation in question as well as other areas of the unknown floor off of the East Coast.
So what did they find? Later Wednesday NOAA said it appears the sonar anomaly they are exploring is not a wreck but rather a geological formation with biological communities and other debris.
It wasn’t long ago that a Russia spy ship was just off the coast of the Old North State. Defense officials have also worried aloud about suspicious submarine activity near militarily sensitive sites.
We’ll have to wait and see what NOAA tells us what they found to know exactly what this geological formation us.
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