It’s not every day that a park bench can make international news and set the Internet on fire.
But we’re also not talking about some ordinary park bench, either.
This park bench is special, and it’s left a lasting impact on the world, despite the fact that our ADD riddled brains will surely forget this story even happened by lunch time tomorrow.
Nevertheless, folks in east London were none too pleased recently when they discovered that an ordinary park bench now featured a prominent gold plaque memorializing one of the most brutal dictators the world has ever known.
“In loving memory of… Saddam Hussein, 1937 – 2006″ the plaque read, as it sat affixed to its new bench thanks to the support of special anti-theft screws to prevent it’s removal.
As would be expected, residents of the community were none too pleased to see this plaque seemingly appear out of no where.
The Independent: Melissa Munday-Chanin, 38, who lives near the site of the bench, said: “I was horrified. My mum was over visiting and pointed it out to me and was utterly shocked – so I checked it immediately.
“I thought she surely must’ve been mistaken but to my horror she was right. I think someone celebrating the life of a man who’s caused such terror is outrageous. And if it’s a joke, it’s not remotely funny.”
Fellow resident Victoria Adcock, 42, said: “It’s obviously a prank. People being outraged are just playing into the prankster’s hands. They should just take it off and forget about it.”
Claire Newbigging, 37, said: “I’ve not seen it first hand but it’s got to be a joke. I just don’t get it – would anyone really want to commemorate someone like Saddam Hussein?”
Suzy Essex, 38, said: “Has it been done to support what Saddam believed in and is it meant to cause trouble? It could be left-wing trouble makers.”
DING, DING, DING! Suzy, for the win!
Out of all the people who were eager to show how outraged they were by this plaque, Suzy is the only one who really hit the nail on the head.
Of course it’s left-wing trouble makers – it’s ALWAYS left-wing trouble makers.
Lost a sock in the dryer? Left-wing trouble makers did it.
Have a city that’s been ransacked and set a blaze in the name of some left-wing cause? Left-wing trouble makers did it.
Someone affixes a gold plaque celebrating the life of a brutal dictator to a random park bench? Left-wing trouble makers DEFINITELY did it.
Glad we were able to get that solved.
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