WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald Trump gave, by most accounts, a great speech last night for his State of the Union address. He was conciliatory, but still tough on his core issues. After it was all said and done, polling suggests that it was received very well by those who watched – as in multiple polls showed nearly three-quarters of people approved.
From The Hill:
“Roughly three-quarters of respondents who watched President Trump’s State of the Union address approved of his speech, according to CNN and CBS News polls released late Tuesday.
Seventy six percent approved of the speech in the CBS poll, with 24 percent saying they disapproved. About 59 percent of respondents to the CNN poll had a very positive reaction to the speech, while 17 percent said they had a somewhat positive reaction. Roughly one-quarter — 23 percent — had a negative reaction in that survey.[…]”
How can that be, you might ask, when so many partisans are united against the president? Even his relatively healthy approval rating of 48 percent wouldn’t put him at those high levels.
Well, as you can imagine, a lot more Republicans tuned into to hear the president’s speech. Their near universally positive perception of the address contrasts with Democrats united negative response.
“Approval of the speech was starkly divided along partisan lines. Almost all of Republicans who tuned in — 97 percent — approved of the president’s speech, according to CBS News, while only 30 percent of Democrats said the same. About 82 percent of independents in that survey who watched the speech liked what they heard.
About 87 percent of Republicans told CNN they had a very positive reaction to the speech while 64 percent of Democrats had a very or somewhat negative response.”
Surprised? Us either. Watching the difference in reactions of Republican and Democrat members of congress was probably the best indication that the speech was falling on either side of the partisan divide.
Now that the pomp and circumstance is out of the way, the focus will be back on averting another government shutdown and securing border wall funding.
Read more about Trump’s speech, and what got the most reactions, here.
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