CHAPEL Hill – Weeks ago, when the Silent Sam statue (a memorial to UNC Alumni/confederate dead)was toppled by a mob following a stand down order from police, some on the Left suggested that it was actually a service to taxpayers who would no longer have to foot the bill for all of the police protection and security monitoring. It hasn’t really worked out that way.
Instead, even absent the statue, the Radical Left keeps using the location to stir animal spirits, especially when groups in favor of the statue and the heritage of confederate history meet to rally for its re-erection. It has resulted in multiple more arrests and continued round the clock security for the base where the statue once stood. Go figure.
(It proves the point that the cost of security was not due to the ‘oppressive’ statue, but due to Leftist fools that view violence and property destruction as the the proper response to being offended.)
That’s what happened the weekend when Leftist groups clashed had their feelings hurt by the presence of the New Confederate States of America, supporters of the statue. Eight were arrested.
The Leftist shouted at the mostly silent opposing group. Chants like, ‘Hey Hey, Ho Ho, You Racists F*CKERS Have Got To Go!’, and old favorites such as, ‘Pigs in a Pen, You’re Not Our Friends.’
The latter is directed at police, because, after all, the groups opposing Silent Sam are the same Radical Leftists that have been fueling anti-police movements for years.
“After about an hour, the members of the New Confederate States of America were willingly escorted off campus by police and the situation escalated as the group of anti-“Silent Sam” demonstrators turned on police, upset that law enforcement protected a group they believe stands for hate.
Police from Durham, Chapel Hill and Greensboro held the crowd back as they pushed through and a line of bicycles was used to keep students back.”
Regardless of their perspective on the statue or the confederacy, the flag-bearing group was calm and orderly while the imbecilic Leftists literally turned to violence because they were offended that police were protecting the former from the wanton assaults of the latter.
These fools that profess to stand against racism, and ostensibly for freedom and tolerance, engage in mob violence when confronted with opposing ideas. It is a decidedly anti-American, and liberty mode of being. Actually, it is all consistent with the nature of the Leftist beast – they are the oppressors that are prone to form lynch mobs.
One can only hope that some of these students return home for fall break and have some sense knocked into them by mom and dad.
Read more about the incessant protests and dozens of arrests here.
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