CHAPEL HILL – The saga of the Silent Sam Confederate statue on the campus of the University of North Carolina continues. After mobs tore the statue down, the university struggled with what to do with it, the UNC officials eventually approved multi-million dollar settlement with the confederate heritage group that donated the statue more than 100 years ago, to erect it somewhere else. Now, a judge has vacated that decision, and UNC thinks it could result in having to replace the statue on campus.
BREAKING: Judge Baddour vacates #SilentSam settlement. He says it didn’t have standing. Lawyers for @UNC_System says this could mean the confederate statue goes back on @UNC campus!
— Chris Williams (@ChrisW_SpecNews) February 12, 2020
From ABC 11:
“[…] The deal, struck without public knowledge before Thanksgiving 2019, gave Silent Sam to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, set up a $2.5 million trust to pay for things related to the monument, and forked over an additional $75,000 to the Confederate group in exchange for the group agreeing to not wave Confederate flags on any UNC campus during the next five years.
Judge Allen Baddour ruled Wednesday that the settlement between the two groups does not have standing.
His ruling dissolves the $2.5 million trust. However, attorneys for Sons of Confederate Veterans said some of that money has already been used.
Before the ruling, attorneys for the UNC System said overturning the settlement could mean that Silent Sam will legally have to go back up on UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus.[…]”
Can you imagine? The Trump/Russia collusion hoax exposed, the impeachment attempt a massive failure, and then Confederate monuments start going back up — the social justice warriors may just spontaneously combust.
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