RALEIGH – Looking for something wholesome to do with the little ones this weekend? How about taking your first graders to a story time at the library? They can hear fun stories and learn about gender fluidity from a drag queen. Wait, what?
You read that right. Normalizing your six year old to gender bending drag queens and the idea that ‘are whatever you feel’ will be on tap in Raleigh on Saturday from 10:00 AM-11:00 AM at the Medicine Mama’s Farmacy, 4701 Atlantic Ave.
From WRAL:
“It’s part of a national movement in libraries, schools and bookstores where drag queens read stories to children. The events have lured crowds at some venues and sparked outrage and protests at others.
The national movement aims to capture the “imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models,” according to its website. “In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.” […]
Drag Queen Story Hour is typically targeted to kids ages 3 to 8, but it is open to all. Along with stories, there will be singing, dancing, snacks and crafts. Starbucks will provide coffee for the parents. As the event winds down, the two visiting drag queens, Amazing Grace and Satine Allure, will pose for pictures with kids and parents.
“In a society where LGBTQ culture is becoming more mainstream and being recognized in the media, it is important to create an introduction to our youth,” says Satine Allure, a local drag queen who also is Miss Clamazon Entertainer of the Year. […]”
So, as your pre-schooler is literally figuring out the basics of life, come on down to Mama’s to confuse the hell out of them and purposefully disrupt the elementary truths they are naturally beginning to grasp, like the difference between men and women and what gender they themselves are depending on their biology.
The proponents of this event think it important to introduce young children to adult idiosyncrasies. Is it, though? Does a four year old really need to be tasked with contemplating a man that gets his kicks by dressing as a woman? Or why a woman that literally thinks they are a man is totally ‘mainstream’?
Of course not. The primary reason that Drag Queen Story Hour targets kids aged 3-8 is to indoctrinate them with a formless, post-modern, post-biological view of life, programming not just acceptance, but a celebration of various perversions into the next generation. While ‘tolerance’ and ‘kindness’ are the selling points, these gender fluidity movements have proven that mere tolerance is not enough; you must accept and celebrate it, or you’re some sort of bigot.
‘Live and let live’ is an axiom most conservatives understand and employ, because it is a logical practice consistent with individual liberty. Drag queens, rock on with your bad selves, but I think I’ll stick to basic truths of biology and the normal gender dichotomy with my kindergartners. After all, they inherently understand these as self-evident anyway.
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