On the Fox Business Network Tuesday night, Harlan Hill, a member of the Trump 2020 advisory board, faced off in a debate about the border and General Motors layoffs with Philippe Reines, a former top advisor to Hillary Clinton.
The segment itself was less than 8 minutes, and seemed innocent and tame enough (You can watch the full interview HERE).
But it’s what apparently happened after the interview that has folks talking.
According to Hill, Reines confronted him inside the Fox bureau after the segment “screaming like a maniac.”
And apparently, Reines wasn’t wearing pants the entire time.
Debated @HillaryClinton’s former senior advisor @PhilippeReines tonight…
1) Afterwards he came at me screaming like a maniac (I thought he was going cry)
2) He told me to “clean the pubic hair off my face.” Whatever that means?
3) Best part, he had no pants on ????#Unhinged pic.twitter.com/cwfGqvfPHE
— Harlan Z. Hill (@Harlan) November 28, 2018
After the incident, Hill told The Daily Caller that Reines said, “You’re just as much of a jackass on TV as you are online” and that Hill needs to “stop hiding behind [FBN anchor Trish Regan’s] skirt.”
“We chirped back and forth, and he said, ‘You’re not half the debater you think you are.’ To which I said, ‘That’s probably the lamest, most D.C. diss I’ve ever heard,’” Hill said.
As Reines allegedly continued following Hill around the newsroom screaming at him, Hill took the opportunity to snap several incredible image of Reines clearly not wearing any pants.
When Reines realized his picture was being taken he allegedly told Hill, “Yeah, I know how I look. How about you wipe the pubic hair off your face?”
Good one, bro.
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