WASHINGTON, D.C. – While Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) can be expected to continue his politically expedient bear hug of President Donald Trump during a sketchy reelection bid, Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) presented more of an open question on paper when it comes to his approach the Senate trial. He is not up for reelection, is retiring after 2022, and has previously erred on the side of prolonging the Democrats’ shenanigans in deference to establishment interests.
Yet, while Burr may have demurred during the course of the Mueller investigation, giving it more life with his extended investigation as part chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he is direct in his sense that there is no impeachable case here at all.
Here are some recent comments from Burr on the question of impeachment, witnesses like John Bolton, and his approach to the process (minus the fidget spinners):
“The hearsay that John Bolton or anybody else may bring to this is irrelevant because even if the president said this, it does not raise to the level of removal from office, which is a sacred thing because the American people have duly elected him,”
“I think Alan Dershowitz said it very well last night, ‘You blew it, House managers.’ The articles you’ve brought don’t rise to the level of removal from office. So you may have impeached the president. Great. But they don’t rise to the level of removal. And if the Senate did it, then look out in the future — every president will go through this.”
“I personally feel that even if they invited witnesses and witnesses confirmed, yes, the president had a quid-pro-quo or something like this, if it doesn’t rise to the level of removal from office than why would we put the American people, the institution, through this process, when we know what the outcome is going to be at the end of the day.”
In short, because the Democrats used the entire show as a part of their 2020 campaign strategy. It’s blowing up in their faces, no matter how much the media glosses up their non-case. As far as North Carolina’s Senators go, they have no interest, at least not anymore, in entertaining the largest witch hunt in American history.
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