RALEIGH – Not just two votes; but two votes in completely different states. The Left is working overtime to paint a picture of ultra-secure mail-in voting, even as they collude to loosen security requirements on such ballots in North Carolina.
But ‘mysterious’ records of double votes from actual Democrats running for office in 2020 are complicating the narrative that vote fraud is a non-issue.
From the Raleigh News & Observer:
“Retired Col. Donna Lake cast her ballot on a chilly October day in 2008 at the Wayne County Public Library, about three miles from her home in Goldsboro, North Carolina.
Fifteen days later, on Nov. 4, 2008, another ballot was cast under Lake’s name, this time at a polling place in New York.
How that happened seems to be a mystery. Lake, now a candidate for North Carolina’s Senate District 7, says she didn’t vote twice.
“In that election cycle I was actively involved with the Wayne County Democratic Party and even served as a poll observer,” Lake said in a statement emailed to The News & Observer by her campaign manager, Virginia Reed. “The records reflecting that I voted in person in New York in 2008 are incorrect.”
The case brings more scrutiny to concerns about voting during the pandemic and President Trump’s repeated claims about voter fraud — something experts say is rare. […]”
See what they did there? You’re seeing it everywhere, in fact, because the Left, after using Pandemic Panic to push record numbers of mail-in and absentee voting requests, is acting as if Trump and Republicans are manufacturing conspiracy theories, “without evidence,” related to the practice in order to ‘rig the election.’
Psychological projection is an incredible phenomenon when it comes to the Left.
Yet, the Lake ‘mystery’ actually highlights the vulnerability of even in-person voting, in some cases. Wow; that seems to support the need for Voter ID in elections, a common sense security measure the Democrats have blocked in North Carolina using incessant litigation and activist judges, despite voters literally adding the requirement to the N.C. Constitution.
Of course, Democrats are entirely aware that mail-in voting is inherently more vulnerable to fraud than in-person voting.
They were certainly aware of it in 2018 regarding the 9th Congressional District electoral fraud saga, which found fraudulent activities focused specifically on absentee ballots in that election. Democrats could not stop talking about it, in fact, being that the activity was connected to a seemingly victorious Republicans candidate in a close race.
Even before that happened, Attorney General Josh Stein was confident that the the ‘bulk of fraud occurs absentee,’ as he asserted in an August 2018 commission meeting, and which we have highlighted repeatedly here:
Fast forward to 2020, and AG Stein and the Democrats act as if the concerns over fraud potential, even after such a unprecedented wave of mail-in ballots, is simply conspiracy theory pushed by Donald Trump.
More from the N&O:
“[…] The News & Observer researched Lake’s voting history after receiving a tip. When contacted by the N&O, Lake provided emails that appear to indicate she scheduled meetings and appointments in North Carolina during the week of the election, including on Election Day.
North Carolina State Board of Elections spokesman Pat Gannon told The News & Observer last week that the board was looking into the case and gathering more information. The New York State Board of Elections Division of Election Law Enforcement declined to comment.
“You have received records from the Suffolk County BOE, I have no comment,” chief enforcement counsel Risa S. Sugarman said in an email. […]”
Lake used to live in New York. It was her childhood home address from which that second vote was cast in-person. There all sorts of details the N&O reports to support an argument that Lake wasn’t, or couldn’t be, in New York on election day. You can review those in the N&O article and take from it what you will.
The more important take away, though, is that Lake was not purged from the New York voter rolls FOR YEARS, and SOMEONE exploited that to cast a fraudulent vote.
How many voter rolls in North Carolina and around the country contain voters that should be purged, but have not been? As it relates to mail-in or absentee voting, could fraudsters and ballot harvesters not exploit that to cast illegal votes?
OF COURSE THEY COULD. After all, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed a bill to purge voter rolls in North Carolina.
It would be even more vulnerable if Democrats are allowed to effectively, and mischievously, do away with witness signature requirements like they’ve attempted to do this year in North Carolina and other states.
To be sure, there are protocols for making sure such ballots are legitimate, and plenty of tripwires to throw them out if they aren’t up to standards. Democrats haven’t been able to get rid of all of them; yet even then AG Stein knew that the ‘bulk of fraud occurs absentee.’
As with everything else, 2020 is sure to make things even more extraordinary. You better believe that, as record numbers of ineligible ballots pile up in a year of record absentee voting, Democrats will make every effort to spin a narrative that Trump and the Republicans are suppressing votes.
They’ll call for those votes to count, regardless if they are clearly ineligible based on the rules; they’ll sue; they’ll drag it out; and, they’ll attempt to deny any apparent victory for Republicans and Donald Trump with these tactics.
The ONLY thing that can eliminate the risk of any such election shenanigans is overwhelming margins of victory. So make sure to cast your one and only, legitimate vote.
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