And the plot thickens…
From WBTV:
“Handwritten notes obtained by WBTV suggest a second person ran an operation focused on absentee ballots in Bladen County in the 2018 primary election.
The notes came from two people who collected the sheet of paper after a meeting on April 8, 2018 to discuss efforts in the primary race for Bladen County Sheriff.
According to the two people who provided the notes to WBTV, the person who left the sheet of paper behind is Jeff Smith, a business owner and town commissioner in the county.
The two people who provided the notes to WBTV asked they not be identified to provide documents that could later become evidence in the ongoing investigation by the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation.
The notes left behind by smith specifically refer to receiving payment in exchange for collecting unsealed absentee ballots.
“Picking up existing ballots unsealed,” the top line of the sheet says, with the word “unsealed” underlined twice.
Below that line are two lines of notes showing payment of $500 for 150 ballots and $1,000 for 250 ballots.”
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