Survivors of botched abortions need you today to speak on their behalf!! The NC House convenes at 3:00 PM this afternoon to vote to try to over-ride Governor Cooper’s veto of the “Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.”
Without an affirmative duty imposed on physicians and other healthcare professionals, helpless, injured, traumatic, scared babies who happen to survive the horrendous ordeal of an abortion procedure and are born alive are likely to be left to die because life-saving attention and treatment will be denied to them.
If we ever want to know why our Founding Fathers advised so strongly that we elect Godly persons as our representatives, this is one very good reason. No Christian, no moral human being could think it’s even an option to abandon a newborn who needs human attention and love.
Mother Teresa once said: “A nation that kills its children in the womb has lost its soul.” Imagine what she would say to learn that now we want to kill them even when they are born alive.
So I ask you to do any of four things:
(1) Call any and every Democratic House member that you can. Their contact information is available at: ncleg.gov (From the top menu, select “House,” and then from the drop-down menu “Member List”)
(2) Email any and every Democratic House member that you can – individually. This is very important. Send individual emails (you can simply copy and paste though). Again, their contact info is available from ncleg.gov
(3) Go to the NC General Assembly building today in downtown Raleigh (16 W. Jones St, Raleigh). Again, the House convenes in session at 3:00. We are meeting in the Legislative Chapel at 12:30 and then meeting in the House chambers visitors section at 3:00. WEAR BLUE in solidarity. Concerned Women for America, NC Values, NC Family Values, and other groups will be there today.
(4) Get on your knees and pray. Pray for those helpless victims that Democrats seem intent on ignoring and disregarding, and sentencing them to death.
My friends in the Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association made phone calls yesterday to the Democratic House representatives, and here is some feedback they shared with me:
“Representative Charles Graham said he will vote to override and asked for our prayers (which he got and will get).
Representative Elmer Floyd’s assistant said, “You’re asking him to vote to override. Is that right?” I said, “Yes,” and she said, “Alright, I’ll add you to the list.” That sounded promising to me; sounded like many others were contacting him for the same reason which always adds pressure to do the right thing.
Representative Pricey Harrison’s assistant said she thinks the Rep will vote to sustain the veto. But other than those three, we didn’t get much feed-back.
Rather than make phone calls, I sent a heartfelt email to each Democratic member of the NC House. I got an email this morning from Rep. Brian Turner’s office saying that he is considering voting for the over-ride.
Here is what I wrote to each Democrat House member last night:
Hello Rep. __________,
My name is Diane Rufino. I live in Greenville (Pitt County) but belong to and participate in various groups all over the state. I am an attorney, writer, molecular biologist, teacher, blogger, and a regular talk radio show panelist.
I am writing to you about the vote tomorrow to over-ride Governor Cooper’s veto of the Born Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protection Act. If you are planning to vote in favor of the over-ride, then I want to thank you sincerely…. gratefully.
If you have not planned to vote in favor of the over-ride, I ask you to please re-consider that vote, or in the alternative (if you are concerned perhaps of retribution by your party), to please not show up for the vote. I ask you to please, please, please search your conscience and reflect on your relationship with your Maker and show the compassion and mercy that our Father would have us show those who are most vulnerable and who need our voice on their behalf. Think of the love you have for your children and the miracle of their birth and the enrichment they have given your life. Every child, no matter the circumstances of their creation or the burden they happen to put on the mother’s life, is deserving of love and protection and a chance to fulfill a destiny that no one can predict. That baby shouldn’t be punished just because he or she is an inconvenience. We are all an inconvenience on someone else at some point in our lives. And every child, even if unwanted and destined for death because of the mother’s choice per her right to have an abortion, is deserving of healthcare and life-saving medical assistance should he or she survive that horrendous ordeal. How can a person call himself or herself a human being if he or she cannot acknowledge that is simply the right thing to do.
The bill is titled “The BORN ALIVE Abortion Protection Act.” The very title of the bill acknowledges that a baby that survives an abortion is born “ALIVE.” To be “alive” is to be a LIFE. Every life is a “PERSON.” The fate of a baby born alive is no longer subject to the mother’s so-called “reproductive rights.” It is an independent, new unique life. It is outside the woman’s body so it no longer poses any concern to her health. If she doesn’t want it, that is one thing; but she has no right (nor does anyone else) to terminate its life. It is a person which now has the same rights as you and me and every other person. It has the protections recognized by the Constitution (including the 14th Amendment), the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. It has the right to life and the state cannot interfere or deny that right.
You swore an oath, promising to God, that you would uphold the Constitution and the laws. You cannot be true to your oath and allow babies born alive to be denied inalienable rights.
I ask you again to please search your conscience and vote in favor of the over-ride. Or, if you feel you can’t do that, to please simply not show up for the vote.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my email. God Bless,
Most Sincerely,
Diane Rufino
Blogsite: http://www.forloveofgodandcountry.com
Please, please, please take ACTION NOW!
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