WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The most influential conservative talk radio voice in the nation dove in Thursday to the bizarre and dangerous double standards in the Mueller investigation of President Donald Trump, and he had some choice words for the likes of Sen. Thom Tillis (RINO-NC) for pushing the completely unnecessary and counterproductive Mueller protection bill with his buddy Lindsay Graham.
“Four Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have approved legislation aimed at “protecting” Robert Mueller. They are the chairman, Chuck Grassley, Senator Lindsey Grahamnesty, Senator Jeff Flake, and Thom Tillis of North Carolina. These four have joined the Democrats in voting for the measure to somehow protect special counsel Robert Mueller from Donald Trump as he conducts his Russia probe.
The Russia probe, the Mueller investigation, and everything associated with it is where the criminality in this story has taken place. It is where the lawbreaking has taken place. And it is that lawbreaking and criminality that is being ignored while people who have not broken the law — or who it has not been proven they have broken the law — are under vigorous pursuit and assault, and are in the process of being targeted and ruined both professionally, reputationally, and financially.
It is a breathtaking sight when you really drill down and get past the emotion of all of this and understand what’s really going on. Which takes me to what has happened to add to the subject, the theme, the monologues of yesterday’s program. Victor Davis Hanson has a piece at National Review today called “The Double Standards of the Mueller Investigation.” And he goes through and illustrates how the law is being applied differently to people in the swamp and in the establishment and to people who are not — or who may have been in it.
This country is not so ticked off at Trump that everybody can’t wait to vote Democrat. That’s a myth. The Democrats and the media remain deeply unpopular, and it is something that’s gonna have to be capitalized on by the Republican Party. And this silly notion of signing on to legislation protecting Mueller by Thom Tillis and Grassley and Lindsey Graham and Jeff Flake is not the way to deal with a reckoning that must happen.“
Read or listen to more from Rush, here.
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