Excerpt From: News & Observer. Written By: Will Doran.
Roy Cooper is on a statewide tour this week to drum up support for making one of his campaign promises a reality – free community college tuition.
It’s increasingly hard to get a job with a resume that includes only a high school diploma, so Cooper says his plan will be good for economic development and for lifting more North Carolinians out of poverty.
“In my talks with business owners, I hear time and again that they have job openings but can’t find workers with the skills necessary to fill them,” Cooper said Tuesday on a visit to Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College. “Making community college more accessible means more of our high school graduates can learn the skills they need to get good paying jobs.”
Cooper made the same pitch Wednesday in Goldsboro and has plans for stops Thursday and Friday, too.
Republican opponents of the Democratic governor, however, have been less enthusiastic about his plan. Former Gov. Pat McCrory attacked Cooper for the idea on the campaign trail this past fall, just as he attacked Bev Perdue for a similar proposal when she and McCrory were running for governor in 2008.
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