Excerpt From: NC Capitol Connection. Written By: Mark Shiver.
Gov. Roy Cooper seems to be playing a high-stakes game of “HB 2 chicken” with the North Carolina General Assembly, with little regard for how it impacts the citizens of our great state. He continues to talk out of one side of his mouth for compromise on the repeal of HB 2, while out of the other side, encourages Democrat legislators not to support such compromise.
Rep. Chuck McGrady (R-Henderson) has filed HB 186. The bill would repeal HB 2 and also provide non-discrimination rules in North Carolina that mirror those of the Federal government regarding protected classes of people. It provides steps that local municipalities would need to take if they desire to expand the protected classes of people, including a provision for citizens to petition for a public referendum if their local board passed an ordinance making such an expansion.
The intent of this column is not to advocate for or against HB 186. It is meant to show that the real issue surrounding HB 2 is not that of protecting transgender people as some may assert, but rather is something altogether nefarious. It can be argued that Cooper and his cronies want HB 2 to not be repealed, so that they can use it as leverage against the Republican majority in the General Assembly.
They say they want to compromise and repeal HB 2, but their actions are altogether different.
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