RNC, NCGOP request declaratory ruling from NCSBE on unlawful absentee ballot, voter ID guidance

The RNC, NCGOP, and NRCC filed a ‘request for Declaratory Ruling’ Tuesday with the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) related to absentee ballot guidance and voter ID rules adopted by the NCSBE that Republicans believe are in conflict with state law. The parties are asking NCSBE to issue altered guidance to be in line with the relevant statutes.

Earlier this year, the NCSBE passed rules regarding Voter ID and issued revised rules interpreting various laws governing absentee ballots. According to Republicans, those rules are not consistent with current state laws requiring a specific handling of absentee ballots.

Republicans claim the guidance issued by NCSBE runs afoul of state law when it advises county elections boards that absentee ballots do not need to be properly returned in container-return envelopes, which are sealed, in order to count.

They are also challenging the lose administration of Voter ID laws, calling into question what they perceive as an ‘anything goes’ process that undermines the spirit of the law. The rule allows a voter to provide “any explanation or documentation” which could help an election official determine voter identification, instead of following the official guidelines for verifying voter identification as set out in law.

“It is critical for elections officials to fully comply with state laws meant to ensure election integrity in North Carolina,” said RNC Chairman Michael Whatley in a press release. “The North Carolina State Board of Elections’ guidelines and rules, which we are challenging today, clearly conflict with state law and will undermine the integrity of North Carolina elections. The RNC and our partners are dedicated to ensuring fair and transparent elections, and we are taking this action to ensure that it will be easy to vote and hard to cheat in the Old North State.”

The NCGOP has made election integrity a focus of the state party since the 2020 elections, regularly challenging the administrative actions of a State Board of Elections appointed by Democrat Governor Roy Cooper. Republicans in the General Assembly have attempted to reform the structure of NCSBE through legislation, aiming for an even split of Republican and Democrats, but have been sued and ultimately blocked by the courts.

North Carolina Republicans have regularly challenged the actions of NCSBE Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell on issues ranging from early voting site guidance for counties, to ignoring law changes on absentee ballots and poll observers.

“NCSBE Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell has repeatedly abused her authority to sidestep legislation passed by the General Assembly,” stated Jason Simmons, Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party in a. press release. “She is manipulating the elections process and undermining common sense election integrity measures in order to fulfill a partisan narrative.”

The post RNC, NCGOP request declaratory ruling from NCSBE on unlawful absentee ballot, voter ID guidance first appeared on Carolina Journal.


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