RALEIGH – The most remarkable thing about this news is how unremarkable scenes like this have become over the last year. As the Left foments a reinvigorated “protest” movement to demand police reform and cast all problems as a result of White Supremacy, the Wokies naturally coalesced in the City of Oaks to play their part.
Burning American flags, lighting trash cans on fire, smashing retail windows, and spray painting businesses; all profound examples of, not solutions oriented activism, but the same agents of chaos that have propelled us into this era of political violence.
A dozen arrests were made, according to police, and, as of Monday morning, they have all posted bail. No doubt many of those arrested are looking for their next opportunity to ‘do the work’ of the Woke.
It seems like the BLM/Antifa thugs are warming up with the weather, which means if could be a very long summer for residents of urban areas where the rioters are treated with kid gloves and elected leaders make excuses for violence.
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