RALEIGH – If surprised by the Leftward lunge of the Democratic Party of late, one needed only listen to the rhetoric of Reverend William Barber — and take it seriously — to see it coming. The former leader of the N.C. NAACP and titular head of the notorious ‘Moral Monday’ protests, in which Leftists raged and smeared against Republicans, again led a moral mob on a march through downtown Raleigh to demand social and economic justice.
To translate, that means knocking all those deemed to have ‘social privilege’ down a peg or two, and then taking people’s money to spread among the woke victim classes to boot.
Lucky for us, the weekly protest and arrest events of 2013/14 have subsided, but the annual march is in it’s 14th year. This year, the calls for ‘justice’ are only less alarming because the Democratic Party has now mainstreamed socialism. Yet that’s exactly what Barber and the moral Marxists have been advocating for the entire time, aligning themselves with old world collectivists all the while.
This year’s march featured a 14-point “People’s Agenda” that includes expanding government health care (at your expense), massively hike minimum wage requirements (at your expense), “redress racial wrongs” (at your expense) and unionizing government employees (at everyone’s expense).
Despite the march ostensibly focusing on getting out the vote to achieve these goals, Barber’s rallied the marchers saying, “It’s time to intensify and embolden your agitation!” That’s right; the Left hasn’t done enough agitation, and it’s going to intensify. Great.
Barber and the moody band of Leftists also protested immigration law enforcement, everything Donald Trump, and donned signs reading “Racist statues gotta go,” “Medicare for y’all” and “End anti-trans violence.”
It’s all merely the latest iteration of the NAACP, and the Leftists that drive it, painting all African Americans with a Far Left liberal brush. It may be becoming less and less effective, though, as President Trump in particular has proven that African Americans may not be as monolithic a voting bloc as they assume. While Barber is preaching ‘economic justice’ through Big Government, Trump has delivered the best economy for African Americans in U.S. history.
Facing that reality maybe exactly why Barber has to call on the mob to embolden and intensify their agitation. Their numbers shrinking, they’re forced to turn the volume up louder to in order inflate an agenda antithetical to ‘Make America Great Again.’ Yet, the Left-leaning media, always willing to amplify the Left’s causes, does it’s part still. You can read that take here.
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