The 9th District news is hardly dying down as national media latch on to the story. It’s little wonder why; a Republican campaign appears at fault for some level of electoral fraud in a congressional race. It follows, thus, that Leftist media like CNN will leverage unfolding developments to hurt the Republican brand as much as possible.
It is important to point out that it is Republicans, by and large, that are the ones offering sensible ways forward. Whether it is how to best approach the investigation into the 9th District concerns, or how to secure the absentee voting process in the future, Republicans are offering solutions. Democrats are busy grandstanding as if they have some claim to the moral high ground, disinterested in anything other than political points.
It’s within that context that State Senator Dan Bishop of Charlotte joined Chris Cuomo on CNN to discuss the issues, unafraid to enter a liberal lion’s den because he’s armed with a genuine pursuit of truth, justice, and solutions.
Watch his appearance below:
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