RALEIGH – Lawmakers returned to Jones Street on Tuesday with the stated purpose of fixing the ballot language concerns regarding constitutional referenda. What looked like it could be a one day special session, will now extend into a second week, with legislators scheduled to return on Monday.
It is not for an onslaught of new legislation, but for some extra attention to the constitutional referenda language AND another bill that is driving the Left crazy. That piece of legislation, Senate Bill 3, is set to blow up Democrats’ attempts to spoil the lone state supreme court race in November.
You might remember the case of Chris Anglin, the second Republican candidate for N.C. Supreme Court for a seat currently held by Republican Justice Barbara Jackson and being pursued by the Left’s social justice sweetheart Anita Earls, as the Democrat challenger.
There was no primary in this race, and with minutes before the filing deadline, an inexperienced former Democrat, Chris Anglin, threw his name in the race as an alternative “Republican.”
Such a move was sure to split vote totals for the two “Republicans” and effectively hand the Radical Leftist Earls the election.
Anglin was a registered Democrat until June 7, changing his registration to Republican and filing as one on June 29. Also, he loves Roy Cooper; he hired a Democrat campaign consultant; he has done nothing but rail against Republicans since entering the race while avoiding criticism of Earls.
And to remove any doubt whatsoever that Anglin is a spoiler planted by the Democrats…he professed profusely that he wasn’t a Democratic plant and his candidacy was definitely not a trick by the Democrats. Seriously.
Methinks thou dost protest too much.
Well Republicans were having none of it. Upon convening the special session they quickly moved to amend the party affiliation disclosure laws concerning this race, requiring that party affiliation would disclosed on the ballot as long as that’s how the candidate filed and it has been their registered political party for at least 90 days.
A simple fix right? Anglin will remain on the ballot but cannot have ‘Republican’ listed on the ballot because he was a Democrat just 3 weeks before filing for the race.
The Left has gone bonkers, again. They role out of bed prepared to be outraged at something, anything, but this especially infuriates the Democrats because they were just thinking how clever they were to game the system and rig a race before the Republican majorities outflanked them.
Now they are screaming about affronts to Democracy, sneak attacks on elections, and the usual hyperbolic rhetoric about how evil Republicans are.
The only ones guilty of attacking the integrity of elections; of damaging Democracy; of pushing a dishonest and malicious agenda, are Democrats.
The legislature passed Senate Bill 3 and sent it to Gov. Roy Cooper, who is sure to veto it. That’s why lawmakers are scheduled to come back next week, in addition to a few other tasks, to override that veto.
So now Anglin himself is lobbying the Leftist masses to petition lawmakers to vote against the veto override.
Make sure to call your representatives to encourage them to vote against an override of SB 3 if @NC_Governor vetoes the bill. The phone numbers for the Senate leadership are on pg. 1 and House leadership is on pg. 15. Please retweet and share. #ncpol https://t.co/j0B7ziO6qp
— Chris Anglin (@anglin4justice) July 26, 2018
That tweet hasn’t gotten a whole lot of traction, but it has been liked and retweeted by a few political activists of the Left. So nice of them to stick up for this “Republican.”
Democrats should be embarrassed for stooping so low, but then again they operate most comfortably in the gutter. Is it any surprise that they’d resort to blatant lies and tricks when they spend the rest of their time labeling Republicans racists that hate the poor, your kids, and the clean air and water? This is kind of unethical, dishonest politicking is absolutely routine for them, and it’s one reason why they are in the super-minority position in the General Assembly.
This Anglin trickery, though, is so obvious that even Lovers of the Left in the media are calling them out. The Charlotte Observer editorial board, a bastion of Leftists that usually lives to malign Republicans, is calling Democrats out for not abiding by the principles they espouse (while at the same time backhanding Republicans, but at least they tried).
Luckily Republicans have been granted enough votes to combat slimy moves like this, but that will not always be the case. Democrats will make progress, somehow, in the future and they will most certainly retain the dirty approach to politics that matches their immoral political philosophy.
In the mean time though, they’ll have to actually win some races the old fashioned way…by calling everyone racist, bigot, homophobes that hate the poor and all children.
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