RALEIGH – With current Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest already serving a second term (the last allowed by law) and running for governor, the field to succeed him in the statewide post keeps growing. The list of Republicans vying for the position grew by one on Monday as Iraq War veteran and National Guard soldier Maj. Greg Gebhardt entered the race.
In a press release announcing the launch of his campaign, Gebhardt said he is “a proud conservative, husband, father and leader who seeks to continue a lifetime of selfless service through public office.”
“From the day I raised my right hand and enlisted in the Army, to the oath I took as an officer upon graduation at West Point, to the oath sworn to serve in the North Carolina National Guard, I’ve dedicated my entire professional life to the service of our nation and this great state.”
Gebhardt attended West Point after enlisting in the United States Army, volunteered to deploy to Iraq, and then transitioned to National Guard service and earned an MBA. He eventually served as a policy advisor in the N.C. House and touts involvement in tax reforms and crafting voter ID legislation. He’s now back in the private sector as a business consultant.
His entrance into the race brings the total declared Republican candidates to half a dozen, joining the likes of eastern North Carolina restaurateur Buddy Bengel; former Congresswoman Renee Ellmers; former state lawmaker Scott Stone; former mayor of Mount Airy Deborah Cochran, and NRA Board member Mark Robinson. There are a few potential candidates still sitting on the bench as well, in addition to a handful of Democrats contending for that party’s nomination.
With open political seats, comes a whole lot of suitors.
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