It is easier to raise strong children than to repair broken men and women. And it’s a whole lot less expensive on society and on our pocketbooks as well. (modified quote from Frederick Douglass)
The most important job we have, and our most important contribution to society is to devote ourselves to our families, to keep then strong, and to raise our children well, with values and education so that that they will go on to contribute productively to their community and then serve as role models themselves for the next generation.
Nothing else is as important to our society.
Over the years, we’ve seen this critical responsibility become eroded to make way for the “new progressive era” values – the breakdown of the nuclear family, single parenthood, same-sex parenting (denying the child or children they raise the benefit of learning key life lessons and role-modeling lessons from both sexes), alternative lifestyles, a genderless society, having children for the wrong reasons (for a welfare check) and killing children for the wrong reasons (the pregnancy is inconvenient; having a baby would be inconvenient), parents leaving the job of raising their children to the public schools and to government (the same institutions that reject religion in favor of immorality, that embrace progressive social change over conservative social values/norms, and that has no concern for effective outcomes), rejection of religious values and religious teachings, demonization of religious values and teachings, a focus on wealth distribution rather than good old fashion career-planning, learning important skills, ingenuity, hard-work, and risk-taking in the marketplace, the commonplace of recreational drugs, the lowering of standards in our school systems, the epidemic of teens who “graduated” from high school but are still not meaningfully competent in reading or writing or capable of doing simple math, etc.
Government is making it harder and harder and harder and harder for our young adults to be able to make the decisions and the plans to assume their important roles in society – to settle down, to buy a home, and then to have and raise good and productive children. Government fights them at every step – higher college costs, higher taxes, too much regulation in the marketplace, too much regulation over property, high daycare costs, and then the insidious indoctrination in the public school system.
Our right to raise our children according to OUR values and not government’s values (or faction X’s values) is worth fighting for. The health and vitality of our communities are worth fighting for. We only get one chance to raise our children, to invest in our legacy…. We need to do it right and we need to get government out of the way so we can do it right.
I am not taking a position opposing alternative lifestyles or denying anyone their rights to do what they want (within the confines of our laws); I’m just in favor of government policy putting in place laws and policies that favor conduct that furthers what our society needs most – strong families and well-raised children.
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