WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) just won a close race, overcoming bad polls and worse popularity among his base by cheerleading for President Trump and embodying the lesser of two evils. Now, before the ink is even dry on the election results, he and other Republicans, who claim conservative bona fides come campaign time, are already back to hobnobbing with Lefty, George Soros-linked pro-amnesty groups to breakdown borders.
Thursday Tillis joined the likes of Sens. Marco Rubio, Chuck Schumer, Susan Collins and Dick Durban for a summit hosted by the American Business Immigration Coalition, a pro-amnesty group consisting of big business donors, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as the George Soros-funded United We Dream organization.
Makes sense, right? After all, Tillis’ campaign pandering notwithstanding, he was the one that said, “there’s no such thing as a border wall.”
The fact that Tillis’ pro-amnesty ‘reach across the aisle’ remarks will come after words from wildly corrupt Democrat Bob Menendez, Democrat Shotcaller Chuck Schumer, and Amnesty Champion Dick Durbin is all too fitting.
Going into election season Tillis was the most unpopular senator in the nation. He was opposed by the Democrats on account of being a Republican, of course; but, he was target of endless four letter words from Republican base voters, too, who found his idea of compromise antithetical to their core policy desires.
A consistent source of acrimony has been his apparent prioritization with selling out the Republican base in terms of immigration policy. It’s the aforementioned Dick Durbin that Tillis teamed up with in his first term to sponsor ‘bipartisan’ amnesty legislation. So, the globalists at this summit know that Tillis walks the walk when it comes to bucking his voters to give illegal immigrants a free pass to stay, and foreign workers first dibs at American jobs.
So, with the presidential election not even settled yet, the New Year and a new congress not even here yet, Tillis is already settling right back into his old ways. Surprised?
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