RALEIGH – North Carolina’s (redrawn) 2nd Congressional District was glad to rid itself of Renee Ellmers in 2016. After making her way into congress on the back of the 2010 Tea Party wave, and billing herself as a principled Tea Party loyalist, Ellmers wasted no time in settling into the Swamp and doing the Establishment’s dirty work. She was a climber whose after hours activities engendered rumors of marital infidelity involving a member of House Leadership.
Now, after a few years out of the lime light, Ellmers may be contemplating a Carolina Comeback. According to the Daily Haymaker, political insiders are trying to push Ellmers into the growing field of 2020 lieutenant governor’s race.
“[…] Credible sources are telling us that North Carolina-based consultants and political operatives are trying to persuade former US Rep. Renee Ellmers (R) to make a run for the #2 spot in state government in 2020. Ellmers, you may recall, lost a primary race to fellow Republican House member George Holding in 2016.
We’re told that a meeting, involving Ellmers or her representative(s), is schedule[d] for Thursday.[…]”
As the calendar turned over to a New Year, more Republicans have been revealing intentions to compete for the role of lieutenant governor. Jim Puckett of Mecklenburg County is reportedly throwing his hat in the ring, former Mount Airy mayor Deborah Cochran is, too. Both of those choices are far more conservative-friendly than Ellmers has proven to be.
Will the dilution of conservative votes across a couple conservative candidates clear a path for a RINO insider, like Ellmers, to win the day in 2020? Let’s hope not.
Read more about the Ellmers rumors, and her history of throwing grassroots conservatives under the bus, at the Daily Haymaker here.
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