(‘John Smith’ is a Triangle area business owner, originally from the coast of NC, and formerly a state regulator.)
The Vice President has carried the banner of his Christian Faith with wisdom, dignity and pride. He has done that well. It is only fitting that he would be the individual singled out to be faced with the moral dilemma on which the future of this nation hinges. A Biblical Queen Esther moment for which, despite his Christian Faith, he seems to be woefully unprepared for.
On January 6, 2021, Vice President Pence will preside as President of the Senate to count the votes of the Electoral College. In seven states, he will be considering a slate of votes reflecting who the people appeared to vote for, and a competing slate of votes representing who the people actually voted for. The Constitution gives the President of the Senate ultimate decision power in this matter, whereas Congress, in a previous generation, attempted to illegally constrain the Constitution without actually amending it, to remove most, if not all, of that authority.
The moral dilemma facing Vice President Pence is that if he allows the apparent “official” decision of the Electoral College to pass, he will be committing an enormous wrong. The evidence of voter fraud is overwhelming and persuasive. For whatever reason, the courts have either refused to act or delayed acting until it won’t matter any more. However, if the Vice President asserts his authority, and influences the decision in favor of the competing vote slates, there will be an appearance of wrong for which he will suffer greatly, at least in his own mind.
Unwittingly, he has found himself on the very horns of a dilemma. As difficult as it may be, this is his test. In the face of this storm we will see the depth of his Christian Faith, or we will see him as a phony who talks a good talk, but unable to perform his Christian duty when the moment calls for it.
In my opinion, the fact that Donald Trump ever became President was a move of Providence. I wouldn’t have chosen Donald Trump necessarily, if it had been up to me, but he has endured a special type of hell in his Presidency, through which he has passed relatively unscathed. I know personally people of faith who would never vote for him, claiming he is a moral reprobate, despite the fact that the Bible is filled with morally questionable figures who God used in great ways to accomplish His will.
A decision by Vice President Pence to not take action in this matter will allow evil people, elected by cheating, to take control of this land. This decision will ultimately allow an institutional paramour to become the President, and set us on a course to enslavement by a globalist tyrants. Christianity itself will be in the cross hairs, along with untold suffering of God’s people. It is only fitting that a Christian would have the power to stop this, but step aside instead, and Satan finally claim total victory over the world.
We can hope that Vice President Pence will find the internal fortitude from his faith to rise up to this moment. It may be our last chance. But maybe we are already a year into the “Great Tribulation” and this is all just part of God’s plan.
(‘John Smith’ is a Triangle area business owner, originally from the coast of NC, and formerly a state regulator.)
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