(A First in Freedom Daily reader, who wishes to remain anonymous, submitted this opinion editorial. ‘John Smith’ is a coastal native, former state regulator, and small business owner who lives in the Triangle.)
In this age, as we search for the light at the end of this tunnel, it has become apparent that this may not be the ordinary, through-the-mountain- type tunnel. It seems that this tunnel has been morphing into something else for some time. That tunnel is starting to look more like the tube of a giant wave we suddenly find ourselves riding on.
The light at the end of this quickly folding, very temporary, spinning mountain of water, is not merely the passage out, but reaching that light in time is the only possibility of survival. Imagine we are sailing along at a break-neck speed, clinging to a steep cliff of translucent aqua-colored fluid, in a high-adrenaline, treacherous and desperate flight. Here one mistake results in a violent face-plant, followed by a burial under a million tons of water.
There’s being trapped in a static, stony tunnel with no way out, then there’s being trapped in a quickly unfolding situation that, unless the correct solution is applied rapidly, and with diligence, authority and timing, the circumstances will assuredly destroy you.
Such is the urgency surrounding the resolution of the 2020 Presidential Election. Trump we live; Biden we die.
In the run up to the election, Biden spent his time in the basement and canceled many campaign days before noon. When he held campaign rallies it was to tens of cars or multiple 10’s of people in carefully circumscribed six foot circles.
Whereas Trump’s campaign involved criss-crossing the country to gatherings of thousands, with marathon days consisting of three or more rallies each, Biden didn’t seem to miss an afternoon nap. Why? We know now it was because he knew he didn’t have to! The fix was in, he had already won! The plan was to cheat all along! He said so himself!
Is it any surprise that this was the plan? After all, this is the party that kills babies, promotes immorality and sells out the United States to China. Biden himself makes unwanted advances on females, says things that would make a klansman blush and has publicly declared he is a political prostitute! So what is a little cheating?
The Biden Democrat plan for the future is the idiocy of the Green New Deal, surrendering our sovereignty to communistic globalization, legalizing prostitution and racism in the name of racial justice. Democrat is a crime spree we are being forced to go along with. Cheating? That’s nothing!
The corrupt, Far Left doctrine embraced by the Democrats where everything good and wholesome must be countered and everything productive, efficient and profitable must be destroyed. An evil manifestation we are being conditioned, and even forced, to accept by the every major institution. The media, intellectuals, corporations, liberal ministers, environmentalists, and government, just to name a few, have proven they are all in on the scam and are actively promoting it!
The Biden election scam is just one more step advancing this modern Democrat doctrine. They prefer to steal an election than to win it honestly. After all, that’s who they are now.
There’s a moment in surfing when the rider re-appears after being overtaken by the cylinder of a wave. It is a glorious moment, where the champion is blown out of the vent by a pressure wave of compressed spray and spit. Let’s hope this is how the 2020 election ends for both Trump and for us. The future of America is riding on it!
(A First in Freedom Daily reader, who wishes to remain anonymous, submitted this opinion editorial. ‘John Smith’ is a coastal native, former regulator, and small business owner who lives in the Triangle.)
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