WASHINGTON, D.C. – Despite the incredible lack of supporting evidence that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russians to steal the presidential election, even from the special counsel report from Robert Mueller, Trump’s enemies in the Swamp are continuing to drive the false narrative as fervently as ever. While such politically motivated charades can be expected from Democrats, it is most concerning that some Republicans are also arbitrarily extending this thoroughly debunked Trump/Russia smear.
Case in point: North Carolina’s own, Sen. Richard Burr. Burr is the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and he is responsible for issuing the recent subpoena of Donald Trump Jr., in direct contradiction of orders from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
Well, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), ever the man to stand up against the ridiculous goings on in Washington, called Burr out.
Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed… https://t.co/jvV5PIX266
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) May 8, 2019
Not only is the ‘case closed,’ even when it was ‘open’ it was nothing more than a transparent attempt to discredit or dislodge a duly elected president for the simple reason that the established powers did not like him.
Trump, as well his eldest son, who has been extremely cooperative with the investigation, has been cleared time and time again. Yet, Burr insists on keeping the manufactured scandal alive.
Trump Jr. is apparently refusing the subpoena, but McConnell is now in the spot light as many wonder when he will hold Burr accountable by stripping his chairmanship for violating orders and embarrassing Republicans.
From Breitbart News:
“[…] McConnell, who is the ex officio chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee and from whom Burr derives his authority as chairman, has not replied to requests for comment from Breitbart News on this matter.
But a top McConnell donor, who is also close with the Trump White House, told Breitbart News that McConnell must intervene to end Burr’s decision to go rogue.
“What Burr’s doing isn’t just a slap in the face to the President and his family, its a slap in the face to Americans across the country,” the top McConnell donor said. “It’s incumbent that Leader McConnell steps up to the plate and strips Senator Burr’s Chairmanship of the Intel Committee. If he refuses to do that, then he shoulders just as much blame for this travesty of justice as the Senator from North Carolina. […]”
If McConnell does not act, one is left to wonder if he publicly proclaimed the Trump/Russia case closed, only to privately allow Burr to keep the issue alive. Burr, who has indicated he will not run for reelection when his term expires in 2022, has been apt to drag the investigation into the trumped up allegations against the president on and on. He has made excuses for the FBI’s and Deep State officials’ shady subversion of Trump and the Republic itself, consistently erring on the side of the Swamp and anti-Trump forces over the last two years.
While Rand Paul is the first to call out Burr for these actions, we’d hope that other Republicans join him to call for an end to this charade.
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