RALEIGH – The PTA of Hunter Magnet Elementary School in Raleigh has an ‘Advocacy Team.’ What do they advocate? Well, they apparently prescribe social just warrior 101 to young elementary school kids, sending home ‘guidance sheets’ on the history and dangers of White Privilege.
Beyond the radically inappropriate political brainwashing of kids by a group of social justice warriors on the school’s PTA, do you think eight years old is a little young for wrestling with these topics? Yeah, a mother of a Hunter Elementary student diddid too.
“The mother of a second-grader at Hunter Magnet Elementary in Raleigh is upset about a sheet that explained white privilege was sent home with her child.
Amber Pabon said the two-sided sheet was in his folder when he came home last month.
On one side, it discusses white representation in government, the military, media, and education. On the other, it lists examples of white privilege in society.
I think the message itself is inappropriate because yes there is racism out here, and they need to learn about it. But let the parents do that,” Pabon said. “Because like I said, if she’s teaching him the way she knows, it could be completely different from the way I know. And me being part of the black community, I know different from how the white community sees it.”
Pabon said she believes the content is also not proper for such a young child.
“He’s 8 years old. What does he need to know about racism or white privilege?” Pabon asked.”
That’s right; it wasn’t some MAGA hat-wearing white woman raising concerns over the indoctrination, which the Left would have easily framed as confirmation of the racist ways of white people and their privilege.
This was a black woman struggling to understand just why her eight year-old has to be subjected to this mess when he should be learning and playing like the kid that he is.
But the ‘Advocacy Team’ at the Hunter Elementary PTA just can’t let the little tykes grow up judging people by the content of their character and their tether-ball skills. No, they’ve got to make sure these eight year-olds are well steeped in the propaganda of the Radical Left so that they can grow up to, either, have a healthy dose of guilt about their white skin, or a bitter resentment of little Johnny because of his ‘privilege.’
The school is claiming the information is aimed at the parents, not the children. (What business does the PTA have in preaching Radical Leftism to parents?). However, the mother believes it is being taught in the classroom.
“The sheet is titled “Step 3: (Begin to) Understand the Concept of White Privilege.” Pabon said she did not receive any previous steps or forms about the topic.
In a brief note at the top of the sheet, it notes that this is part of an initiative led by the school’s PTA Advocacy Team.
It states that the initiative is “focusing on generating awareness and empathy to create a safe and equitable Hunter Community.””
The community they should be creating is one in which an eight year old student, or their parents, aren’t being inundated with social justice drivel that does nothing put serve a political motivation of some overzealous Democrats on the PTA.
Read more here.
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