RALEIGH – The tragic massacre in Parkland, Florida continues to bring out Leftists who insist on equating the Republican Party, and Republicans in general, with an evil murderous S.O.B.. This time it’s a Raleigh Councilwoman, Stefanie Mendell, that retweeted a tweet from Scott Dworkin showing her support for the mentally-challenged idea that Republicans and the NRA are among the biggest threats facing the country.
The greatest threats to America:
-White supremacists
-Republican Party
-Russian Gov’t
-The 130 staffers in the WH w/o security clearance
-Trump’s Twitter account
-Trump’s entire administration
-Trump’s family
-Paul Ryan, Devin Nunes, McConnell, Lindsey Graham & Donald Trump— Scott Dworkin (@funder) February 16, 2018
The Raleigh News & Observer gave Mendell a chance to double down on parroting of Leftist talking points:
“Like many people I am very upset with the gun violence in this country and do feel that the Republican Party, by and large on the national level, has not done anything constructive to deal with gun violence,” Mendell said in an interview Friday evening. “Basically accepting lots of money from the NRA and not being willing to take some basic common sense steps. My intent was not to offend anybody. I know there are certainly very good people who are Republicans but I do have to say that the Republican stance on gun issues is one that I am very concerned about.”
So she doesn’t want to ‘offend anybody,’ just advocate for taking away people’s rights and frame those opposed to that as threats to America.
She endorsed a tweet that placed Republicans, the NRA, and White Supremacists above Russia in a list of the greatest threats we face as a nation.
Now, White Supremacists are vile and idiotic, to be sure, but they are so small in number as to not represent a threat at all. Leftists would have you believe that they are everywhere, that Republicans and their policies are racist, and represent a veritable danger to society. It’s pure nonsense.
The NRA and Republicans at large are part of a movement that seeks to ensure the United States stays true to the American principles she was founded upon. Russia is a geopolitical enemy that would love nothing more than to see the United States fall apart at the seams. The more Leftists buy in to and promote the ‘Racist Republicans support murder’ idiocy, the bigger the smiles on Russia dictator’s faces.
We’ll leave you with more of her greatest hits from @stefmendell
— Blessed (@survivingtheimp) February 17, 2018
This is another flat out lie from the Left to further the idea that Trump wants mentally ill people to have guns. The slightest bit of research reveals that the repealed regulations would have included in the federal government gun background database people who received disability payments from Social Security and received assistance to manage their benefits due to mental impairments.
This is a regulation that potentially deprived between 75,000 to 80,000 people of a right based not on what they had done but on the basis of being classified by the government in a certain way. The fact that these people may have these impairments did not inherently mean that they were dangerous to themselves or others and needed to be kept away from guns.
The Stefanie Mendell’s of the world do not care about the truth, though, just virtue signaling.
— Blessed (@survivingtheimp) February 17, 2018
Another false equivocation from the Left. Who in their right minds would think this is an accurate description of Republican’s views on gun rights?
Even when motivated to take action in response to a tragedy, it is sad that these Leftists are incapable of doing anything but smearing Republicans instead of finding consensus actionable ideas that actually make a difference without infringing on law-abiding citizens’ rights.
If this is Raleigh, no wonder there is an Urban/Rural divide – it’s the difference between common sense conservatism based on liberty, and statist that pave the road to Hell with their good intentions.
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