RALEIGH – The radical Leftists at the N.C. Association of Educators (NCAE), a wannabe union that counts a mere fifth of teachers in the state among its membership, is doubling down on the hostage-taking approach to reopening schools.
In communications to fellow members comrades, the NCAE rallies the Party Members in Good Standing to leverage their collective clout in refusing to in-person education, citing the Pandemic Panic, unless they get to dictate the terms.
‘Our Schools. Our Safety. Our Say,’ reads the new motto.
‘SOS’ is exactly the signal many parents are frantically sending up as they witness radical groups such as this prioritize an agenda of universal healthcare, universal welfare, and morally bunk anti-racism indoctrination over educating children in the classroom.
This is the ‘mainstream’ statewide organization for teachers in North Carolina decrying ‘the privatizers.’ They might as well demonize the bourgeoisie while they’re at it.
Mind you, as a matter of policy, this group doesn’t want ANYONE else to be able to educate your children. They want every last child to be forced into a government school staffed with Woke teachers that will preach the Party line.
And they will exploit struggling parents’ reliance on schools in order to get what they want. They state it in plain language: “Caregivers can’t go to work, businesses can’t run, our economy can’t function if our schools aren’t in operation.”
This translates to, ‘Do as we say, or else.’
They are correct in assessing that many, many parents and jobs rely on children going to public schools. The radicals at the NCAE are willing to tighten those screws, causing parents, businesses and the economy pain, as long as they get what they want. Does that sound like a group primarily interested in education of children?
To be sure, they are making a massive mistake in judgement to think that the 2020 experience will leave this public school/daycare leverage intact. With the Pandemic Panic infecting the public school schedules, more parents than ever before are exercising school choice, and support for school choice will only climb as a result of such hostage-taking tactics.
The NCAE also believes that they, not students or parents, are the ones ‘who know best how to meet our children’s educational needs.‘ Oh really? One might encounter some resistance to that notion from, I don’t know, PARENTS.
This is not surprising to anyone who’s paid attention to this group, and the company they keep, over the years. The flyer below was being handed out at the Red4Ed rally a couple years ago (and received gleefully by marching teachers).
This was distributed by members of the International Workers of the World organization.
(If you’re a public school teacher that is NOT a member of the NCAE for these very reasons, and want to share your insights about how they operate within the school system, please let us know here.)
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