The headlines provide even more evidence of wrong-doing and inappropriate leadership from two of the top democratic socialist elected officials in North Carolina– Roy Cooper and Josh Stein.
The recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court not to review our voter I.D. law recalls the fact that Cooper and Stein refused to advance a reasonable defense of the law and appeal the 4th Circuit’s decision.
Now, Cooper is planning to create special protections for the LGBT crowd. This would usurp the authority of the North Carolina General Assembly; and it would also make a mockery of the so-called “good faith” compromise between the legislature and the governor regarding HB 2 repeal.
If Cooper proceeds with this plan, it would illustrate quite vividly how foolish the Republicans were to repeal HB 2 (or alternatively, how ready they were to betray their base, depending on one’s perspective). Cooper’s move would be an abuse of power.
There is reason to believe that Stein has violated state law with his handling of Voter ID. This is a peculiar position for the state’s chief law enforcement officer. But Stein’s democratic socialist politics requires a condescending, patronizing approach toward African-Americans. His position is tantamount to suggesting that this racial group is incapable of managing a legal requirement to bring a photo ID to the polls. That is plainly untrue; and the real motive, of course, is to serve the political interests of the Democratic Party.
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