CHARLOTTE – The city council that brought us bathroom politics and features bona fide social justice warriors is now proposing taking $1,000,000 from police department crisis training funds and using it to give themselves a raise.
The proposal was made, and luckily blocked by budgetary rules, last week.
From WBTV:
“[…] Council members Matt Newton and LaWana Mayfield asked city staff about cutting $1 million in police crisis intervention training in order to pay for the salary increase proposed by Winston.
“I would like to know what the county commissioners make in salary and I would like to ask that city council and the mayor salaries be put in line with what county commission makes,” Winston told City Manager Marcus Jones.
The city’s budget director said the one-time police training funds could not be repurposed for recurring council salaries, as a matter of budgetary principle. […]”
Meanwhile, despite what reasoning those members had, the council’s other priorities are facing budget shortfalls. Somehow government officials are always running out of other people’s money.
Read more at WBTV here.
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