RALEIGH – While schools actually reopening their doors to accept students in person is vitally necessary to arrest the perils for students and families associated with the forced closures, it is not, however, a panacea for that which plagues public education.
There is quite a distinction between the value of simply being in school, and the implications of what is actually being taught at said school.
Woke Cultural Revolution has infected a worrying portion of North Carolina’s public education system, all the way from local teachers to members of the N.C. Board of Education., and that means the worry and angst over the quality of our children’s public school education doesn’t end with a school reopening bill. If anything, parent’s and community leaders’ must now worry more about what poison their children will now be subjected to.
It’s front of mind for education advocates like Sloan Rachmuth of the Education First Alliance NC. In an article on Medium, Rachmuth trains our sights on the clear and present danger to public education; a more enduring danger than more obviously damaging closures.
“[…] No doubt, school closures have created a painful and destructive tempest for students and parents, but with the help supplemental learning and therapy, children can recover in the long run. But what parents and the public don’t know is what fresh hell awaits students when schools finally open.
Thanks to Roy Cooper’s recent re-appointment of James E. Ford to the State’s Board of Education, students, and the rest of North Carolina, will be forever trapped in a demented racist abyss created by the new “anti-racist” teaching standards, whose woke tentacles will reach beyond social studies and into every subject from math, to science, to P.E.
This quest to replace reading, writing, and arithmetic with woke subjects like white supremacy, systemic racism, and transgender rights began in 2018. That’s when Governor Cooper appointed former history teacher and director at the progressive Public School Forum James E. Ford to sit on the State’s Board of Education. Board members “set the direction for all aspects of Department of Public Instruction and local public school organization and operations,” according BoE’s website.
Board chair Eric Davis (Wells Fargo exec.) and others have anointed Ford the apostle of critical race theory, the archangel of wokeness. Ford is the indisputable driving force behind getting new “anti-racist’’ social studies standards drafted, passed in North Carolina — standards that Lt. Governor Mark Robinson has vigorously opposed because they “re-write history,” use politically-loaded “code words” like “systemic racism,” that give students a negative view of their country. The Lt. Governor stated: “system of government in America is not systemically racist. In fact, it is not racist at all.” Robinson said. “I think they are politically charged. I think they are divisive, and I think they, quite frankly, smack of a lot of leftist dogma.” […]”
We saw how the Woke Left treated Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson for speaking such truths; those are the forces literally in charge of what our kids are taught in school.
It’s hardly mere ‘diversity’ pushes, either, as Rachmuth details. Ford, as a NCBOE board member, boasts that the aggrieved social justice, anti-racist mindset informs EVERYTHING he does, and all he contributes to the Board. This includes, of course, what your kid learns about America in social studies class.
So how Woke is Ford? Rachmuth:
So obsessed with ‘white supremacy’ is Ford that more than 72% of his Twitter posts since June 2020 (numbered in the thousands) have demonized white people and police — tweeting hate like this up to 10 times per day:
This is an education leader on the State Board of Education in North Carolina. Get to know more from Rachmuth about the ideology that informs everything he does in that capacity, here. And, as you exhale upon the news of a school reopening deal, take another deep breath, and let your education leaders and elected officials hear what you expect to be done about the Woke poison pervading our schools.
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