WASHINGTON, D.C. – After news of an organized caravan traveling through Mexico from countries in Central America, and Mexico essentially blessing the transit as long as it ended up someone else’s problem, President Donald Trump has stated he will deploy the military to guard the porous border from a wave of illegal immigrants.
““We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing up for court.”
The President’s comments appear to take aim at current US policy which requires border agents to catch then release family units who arrive at the border from noncontiguous countries.
He also said he had spoken with Secretary of Defense James Mattis about the use of the military to guard the border.
In recent days, Trump has repeatedly tweeted about a caravan of illegal immigrants making their way from Honduras to the US border via Mexico. The President had threatened to end the NAFTA agreement if the Mexican government did not stop the caravan and to end U.S. aid to Honduras.”
The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our “Weak Laws” Border, had better be stopped before it gets there. Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen. Congress MUST ACT NOW!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 3, 2018
In response to Trump’s tweets, the Mexican government reportedly promised to disband the caravan, but organizers contradict that promise with pledges to continue onward to the U.S. border in smaller groups.
Far from the organic movement of desperate people fleeing danger, this caravan has “organizers” – Radical Leftists that are using the plight of destitute people to push their agenda.
Those organizers have issued a list of demands, claiming those in the caravan – about 1,500 people – are just as much citizens of the U.S. as actual U.S. citizens. They demanded entry, and the right to a dignified job to support their families, among other demands.
With Mexico initially waving the caravan on, it confirms Trump’s earliest rhetoric on illegal immigration in which he claimed that Mexico sends us the people they don’t want. The fact that they claim to have the ability to disband the caravan proves that they were choosing not to before.
Meanwhile, congress has lived up to its reputation by doing next to nothing when it comes to securing the border with physical impediments to entry. That’s why the military is even necessary to guard against such an incursion.
There may be a lot of good, bad, and ugly when it comes to Trump, but his willingness to actually leverage executive resources to enforce the law is certainly good for the country.
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