WASHINGTON, D.C. – Put simply, the State of the Union speech delivered by President Donald Trump to a gathering of congress, and to America, was epic. The fact that it was delivered the day before an impeachment vote in the U.S. Senate, that will all but likely result in acquittal, made it even more so.
Democrats, for their part, did their best to jeer, leer, and smear even the most agreeable and pro-America statements. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was recorded ripping up her copy of Trump’s speech when it was all over.
No matter. The president delivered perhaps the best speech he’s ever given. It proudly outlined the successes of the last year, and treated our nation’s challenges with optimism and confidence. The speech also featured a litany of powerfully touching moments, from informing a young girl she was receiving the school choice opportunity scholarship she has waited so long for, to honoring a 100 year old veteran Tuskegee airman, reuniting a military family while pushing to bring our troops home, and even awarding legendary conservative broadcaster Rush Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Watch the highlights below….
…and then consider that this epic speech is delivered during the course of an impeachment trial, on the eve of an expected acquittal vote. That vote happens later Thursday to mark an end to the weakest, most manufactured case for impeachment ever brought before congress.
As President Trump said, “The best is yet to come!” And that’s why the chant he heard upon taking the dais walked into the chamber — FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS! — is seeming more like a certainty everyday.
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