RALEIGH – While the national media would have you believe President Donald Trump is less popular than the plague, a new poll among North Carolina voters from the Civitas Institute shows Trump on top in match ups with the top four Democratic contenders for the 2020 election.
2020 Match Ups
Trump – 43% Joe Biden – 39%
Trump – 46% Senator Bernie Sanders 34%
Trump – 45% Senator Kamala Harris 34%
Trump – 44% Senator Corey Booker 36%
North Carolina was a pivotal state for Donald Trump in 2016, a must win on his way to the White House. The Old North State is again expected to be a vital swing state again in 2020, and the Republican National Convention is being held in Charlotte before the election.
With as much time and effort as Left-leaning national (and local) media spend bashing Trump and his supporters, they’re likely disappointed to see how ineffective the constant smear campaign is among North Carolina voters.
Another takeaway is just how unpopular the Democrats are in the Old North State as they sprint to the Left. The leading contenders in the 2020 Democratic primary represent no less than a full abandonment of American principles of individual freedom and rights. What they were stammering to avoid as labels only a few short years ago, they are now championing out in the open. Socialism, Government Healthcare, Eliminating Fossil Fuels, and on, and on, and on.
Contrary to the reverberations from their echo-chambers, most Americans, and especially North Carolinians, have no interest in abandoning the self-evident truths our founder fought so hard to enshrine and protect. They will take no part in aiding the Left’s effort to finish the job of ‘fundamentally transforming the United States of America.’
Read the poll results here.
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