RALEIGH – As the Left marshals its forces for a coordinated attack demonizing all efforts to improve voter integrity and election security as racist voter suppression (of course), the People seem to have a clearer view of common sense.
New polling from the Carolina Partnership for Reform shows an overwhelming majority of North Carolinians support Voter ID — a voter integrity measure literally added to the State Constitution, passed into law, yet to present has been blocked by Lefty judges. In fact, the support is so strong, it is necessarily bipartisan.
Governor Roy Cooper may not have seen this poll before labeling Republican efforts as ‘vote suppression pure and simple.’ Then again, maybe he did, but he just cannot bring himself to buck the Far Left narrative writers.
From CPR:
“[…] According to the Asheville Citizen, “The appeals court said a federal judge was wrong to block the ID requirement last year, arguing the judge improperly used past examples of discrimination by the state legislature to conclude the ID law was unfair.” The court stated, “A legislature’s past acts do not condemn the acts of a later legislature, which we must presume acts in good faith.”
After the statement, NC House Speaker Tim Moore said, “If the 2020 elections have taught us anything it is the fact that voting in person with a photo ID is the best way to ensure the integrity of our elections.”
The struggle however it not over. The federal court ruling does not instantly put Voter ID back in place. There will likely be further action in the courts before Voter ID can be restored to be put in place for the next election like the people of North Carolina voted in 2018. […]”
In addition to the widespread support for Voter ID, respondents were asked about Mail-in Ballots as well, and whether they supported new restrictions on who can request this notoriously vulnerable voting method:
Now, in North Carolina, a voter is supposed to request an absentee ballot. This requirement is significantly more secure than that of universal mail-in voting in which ballots are sent to addresses automatically (a exponential increase in fraud opportunity).
The relative ease of voting absentee, experienced by a bigger group than ever before in 2020, seems to have sparked an affinity for the convenience….as long as a voter must request the option.
Still, the memories are fresh of elections board leveraging Pandemic Panic to unilaterally extend acceptance dates, eliminate signature requirements, and ignore harvesting prohibitions (not to mention the massive red flags of mail-in balloting fraud around the country) it’s easy to see why 40 percent of people could get behind making this form of voting more restrictive.
On this front we’ll consider North Carolina lucky to have not been taken so far down to mail out ballots willy-nilly to every “voter” on the rolls. The same rolls that contains illegal aliens and felons and dead people and so on.
Overall, it appears that Democrats like Roy Cooper, raging against common sense election integrity measures like Voter ID with the laughable racism charge, are more than a little out of step with the majority of North Carolinians.
Read more from Carolina Partnership for Reform on these issues, and what respondents said about ‘Big Tech Censorship,’ here.
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