POLL: After Election, NC Voters MORE Pessimistic About Direction of Country

RALEIGH – A new poll from Civitas Institute is out; this one gauging the North Carolina voters’ views on whether they think the country is headed in the ‘right direction,’ or is on the ‘wrong track.’

The poll was conducted AFTER the election, and the results are interesting:

Can you think of any reasons that North Carolina voters would be less than thrilled with the direction this country is headed in?

Could it be the ongoing saga of the presidential election, in which the media has declared a winner amid remarkable allegations of widespread electoral fraud?

Perhaps the existence and actions of certain political and cultural movements — decidedly anti-American movements — that routinely engage in coordinated rioting and violence against political opponents has an effect on voters’ outlook?

This year has been a doozy for Americans, for sure, but not because of natural events outside of our control. To the contrary, it is the actions and reactions of people to any number of events that has understandably eroded confidence in our future.

That includes those on both sides of the political aisle, whether their disenchantment is based in truth or acceptance of false narratives.

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