GREENVILLE – The president came to Greenville for a rally; the crowd at one point chanted something that would fuel the Left’s ‘Trump and his supporters are racist’ narrative; and, now national press is penning pity pieces about how Trump’s visit (and presidency overall) makes life in eastern North Carolina difficult for illegal aliens.
Politico writer Michael Kruse is swinging for the social justice fences with a piece focused on Trump’s Greenville rally, “the chant”, and giving a platform for illegal aliens in the area to complain about Trump making them walk on egg shells.
“The place Trump picked to test this sharpened pitch isn’t purely Trump-friendly territory. But it has the kind of divisions—between immigrants and native-born citizens, Democrats and Republicans, whites and people of color—that look a lot like the broader American fault lines to which Trump has taken a crowbar.
The largely rural eastern end of North Carolina leans hard for Trump, but Pitt County does not, or didn’t nearly three years ago. He lost handily to Clinton. Greenville, with a population of just over 90,000, and the county as a whole, with a population roughly double that, is home to both a major university and a community college and is a regional health care hub. It’s one of the state’s most educated metropolitan areas. And as popular as what Trump said was to those inside Minges Coliseum, it was chilling to many others I spoke to mere miles away.
Across the street from the local airport where Air Force One landed is a Tropicana Supermarket that services a growing Latino population. Surrounded by shelves stocked with Hojaldra cookies, chicharrones and the jerseys of the Mexico national soccer team, one of the owners told me business was markedly slower than on a typical Wednesday. With the arrival of president, this president, he said, many of his customers seemed to be lying low. […]”
Kruse, like many on the Left, purposely conflates the term ‘immigrant’ and and ‘illegal alien’ so as to draw more sympathy for a narrative describing what he sees as a racist, xenophobic streak in North Carolina.
He then throws a pity party for a Mexican supermarket because on the day of the president’s visit, customers dried up. They were “lying low.” Worried about checkpoints. Because…they’re in the country illegally.
Who would have thought a commander in chief could be demonized for invoking a sense of law enforcement.
More gag-worthy prose from Kruse:
“[…] “Usually,” said Ramos, 44, a Puerto Rican-Jamaican who runs a catering company with his Trinidadian partner, “Tropicana’s booming right now.”
I asked Ramos what members of the local Latino community think of Trump. His answer was as profane as some of the shirts I would see a few hours later.
“Fuck Trump,” he said.
People are afraid.
“The fear,” he said, “of being sent back to a country they were trying to get away from. I know people from Mexico, I know people from Honduras, I know people from South American countries …”
It’s what I heard all over the more Hispanic sections of the city in the morning and early afternoon before I headed over to the arena for the rally.
“People are tense,” said Jay Bastardo, the owner of the Dominican restaurant Villa Verde.
“The president has displayed scare tactics, and it actually has worked,” he added, “because there’s some self-deportation that we know, and people who would rather not spend six, seven months going through the process of getting deported, and some families that we know who are just not looking forward to making a future in America. And that’s a little discouraging.” […]”
In a land where the Rule of Law is woven into our ethos, people who have broken laws are SUPPOSED to be fearful. The fact that this person is aware of illegal aliens ‘self-deporting’ is not a knock on the nation’s top executive; it’s a sign that the executive takes the enforcement of laws seriously.
“Wednesday crystallized this overall anxiety.
“You have the commander in chief coming into town, the guy who has called for these massive deportations,” Bastardo told me. He had heard from fellow business owners about employees calling in and not coming to work, “assuming,” he said, “that there’ll be checkpoints all around.”
Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids haven’t happened here. Yet.
“You see all the stories,” said Esperanza Whitfield, the owner of the El Azador taqueria.”
The point being, of course, that the illegal population in eastern North Carolina, and around the country, is lives in fear of being deported, especially since the advent of President Trump has made border security and immigration enforcement a top issue. They live in fear of our nation’s laws being enforced. This, to Kruse and Politico and the Left in general, is a bad thing.
The piece is complete with a sob story about a family of mixed immigration/legal status always having to lay low for fear of being held accountable for the laws they broke. Of course, the author doesn’t take care t find any immigrants that may have a different opinion. No commentary from legal immigrants not exactly thrilled with those that cheat their way into the country and supportive of Trump’s push for enforcement of laws. That, see, would undermine the narrative.
Welcome to election season 2020, where Trump and all of his supporters are horrible racists, illegal aliens are victims of the Rule of Law, and North Carolina serves as a microcosm of unprecedented political divisions where one side always seems to be made the bad guy no matter what.
Read the rest of the piece here.
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