SMITHFIELD – The ridiculous race-baiting, absurdly hypocritical tactics of the Left are finally receiving some pushback from select leaders unafraid to stand strong on First Principles and call them out in plain terms. Such was the case when Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson called a press conference to spotlight the craziness of the State’s first black lieutenant governor being depicted as a KKK klansman for opposing radical, Woke education standards.
Well, the new standards passed in a party line vote, 7-5, and the cartoonist that drew Robinson as KKK member is doubtless excited at the opportunity to illustrate America in the same garb for his middle school social studies students.
Indeed, Dennis Draughon, of Draughon Draws political cartoons, apparently teaches social studies at Smithfield Middle School. His perspective in the classroom isn’t exactly a mystery; beyond his latest smear are far more examples of how hard he leans Left. He draws upon the sanctioned views that Trump is a corrupt dictator, the GOP is racist, and people that want to reopen schools and businesses are pro-virus.
We imagine there are a few parents of middle school students in the Smithfield area that aren’t too happy with their kid being proselytized too by someone who not only thinks they are dumb hicks and America is racist, but zealously spreads the views.
And that was BEFORE the new standards that promise to align social studies education with the dogma of Critical Theory.
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