ROSEBORO – As firefighters in Roseboro raised a flag at their station, they noticed two young boys had stopped in the street, put their hands over their hearts, and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The firefighters snapped a photo, which has since gone viral.
This stands in stark contrast to the story last week of a Cub Scout who made headlines for kneeling during the Pledge of Allegiance at the Durham City Council meeting. The fact that the boy was encouraged to do so by his father is certainly cringeworthy.
The two Roseboro boys, Derrick Tyrone Ingram Jr. and Thomas Edwards Jones Jr., however are evidently getting better lessons at home and school. Their actions touched the hearts of the firefighters, who shared the picture on Facebook, and said, “God Bless our community.”
Roseboro is a small town about 65 miles south of Raleigh, with just over 1,000 residents. It’s the kind of tight-knight community that form the backbone of the Old North State. Far from the social justice rhetoric of Leftist urban hotbeds like Durham, these people seem to have a better sense of what it really means to be a proud American, and it shows in the actions of their kids.
A lot of people noticed the same thing:
Good ole Sampson County, indeed.
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