Chapel Hill – When you take your children to the doctor’s office your first concern is usually getting your children well and hoping the doctor knows what he or she is doing. The last thing on your mind (hopefully) is making sure the medical practice is down for the cause of social justice and radical Leftist delusions about gender.
The featured picture above, asking for the patient’s preferred name and pronoun, is displayed prominently at the offices of a PEDIATRICIAN in Chapel Hill.
This is not entirely surprising coming from Chapel Hill, a bastion of liberal nonsense, but it is particularly concerning that these medical professionals, that are treating children, are infected with this dangerous Leftist gender voodoo.
A conservative parent of children seeing the doctor Tuesday, who elected to remain anonymous, was not too pleased to see such propaganda at the pediatrician’s office.
“I’m not typically exposed to the pro-gender-dysphoria stuff in my day to day life, so I tend to automatically just associate it with university leftists and antifa street thugs. But then I walk into my kids’ pediatrician’s office and see this helpful notice on the wall.
I don’t know if they honestly think it’s good to encourage that kind of disorder, or if they were just shamed, nagged, and bullied into it by the well-organized tentacles of Chapel Hill cultural Marxism.”
It is dangerous for medical professionals, especially those treating children, to normalize a legitimate psychological disorder such as gender dysphoria.
Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals are supposed to be educated in the biological sciences. Practicing medicine based on science is of paramount importance because the scientific method is what is used to establish reality, diagnose medical ailments and prescribe a treatment plan.
How in the world is a parent supposed to entrust a doctor with their child’s medical care if said doctor subscribes to the the belief that biological sex is secondary to one’s feelings, ignoring all science and common sense to the contrary?
According to the American College of Pediatricians, enabling such gender confusion violates the ‘First, Do No Harm’ principles of medicine.
“This new paradigm is rooted in the assumption that [Gender Dysphoria] is innate, and involves pubertal suppression with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists followed by the use of cross-sex hormones—a combination that results in the sterility of minors. A review of the current literature suggests that this protocol is founded upon an unscientific gender ideology, lacks an evidence base, and violates the long-standing ethical principle of “First do no harm.
The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts — not ideology — determine reality.”
The statement goes on to address parents giving children dangerous puberty blockers to impersonate the opposite sex.
This practice requires cross-sex hormones into late adolescence, which are associated with health risks like high blood pressure, blood clots, strokes and cancer.
According to the American College of Pediatricians, after puberty, as many as 88% of girls and 98% of boys will eventually accept reality and achieve a state of mental and physical health. Perhaps the most disturbing part of the statement is that conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.
While it is unclear if these diversity championing social justice pediatricians in Chapel Hill actually administer or prescribe cross-sex hormones, apparently they think it’s cool to enable damaging mental disorders among children that lead to astronomical suicide rates and a total detachment from reality.
They are so ‘woke’ in Chapel Hill.
When will this madness end? It is the same willful ignorance that brought us the Charlotte bathroom ordinance that necessitated House Bill 2. It is a plague upon our society that must be stopped in the defense of reason, reality, and right.
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