Pelosi Postpones State of the Union Address Until After Shutdown, Meadows Hammers Democrats’ Inaction

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The three-ring circus that is our nation’s capital continues the show despite the government shutdown. One of the main acts, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is now demanding that the president’s State of the Union address, scheduled for January 29, be postponed until the shutdown is resolved. Her ostensible reason is ‘security concerns,’ but more likely the leading Democrat wants to block President Trump for speaking directly to the American people about the need for border security funding in order to end the shutdown.

From Politico:

“Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29th,” Pelosi wrote in a letter to Trump. […]

“This shutdown is ridiculous and the people tasked with protecting him and protecting us are not getting a paycheck,” said Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), the House Rules Committee chair. “So it’s inappropriate to carry on with business as usual.”

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) agreed: “The individuals who are called upon to protect the Capitol… these are people who by and large are not getting paid. It takes extraordinary resources for the State of the Union, so it’s really not fair to them.”

That sounds very warm and fuzzy and compassionate coming from Democrats who willfully turn a blind eye to all the crime and victimization that results from having insufficient border security. So, what are Democrats’ real motives postponing  the SOTU? They don’t want Trump to remind Americans of the very real costs of illegal immigration, and they privately admit as much.

“Privately, some Democrats also don’t want to give Trump a major platform to slam them for the shutdown when Trump’s demand for billions in wall funding has been the main driver. Trump has tried to pin the blame on the shutdown on Pelosi and Schumer, but polls shows the public largely blames the president.

Given the megaphone of a State of the Union address, Trump would “blame immigrants for everything, he would blame Democrats for everything,” said [House Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.)]”

Basically, Pelosi doesn’t want the American people to hear the stories of Angel Families, whose loved one were slain at the hands if illegal immigrants who would have not been here but for the Establishment’s refusal to augment and enforce border security and immigration laws. The Left cannot afford for the people to hear the truth.

One Republican congressman, the honorable Rep. Mark Meadows of the Old North State is calling out the Democrats for their obstinate, partisan, Trump-hating stand.

President Trump is certainly being stubborn in his demand for border wall funding amid the shutdown, because that’s exactly why the American people elected him to office. He is unwilling to just go along, to get along, so the Establishment can pat themselves on the back while the rest of the country suffers from their shallow character.

Meadows knows this, and knows that Democrats have offered absolutely nothing in the way of solving the border crisis issue. A SOTU during the shutdown would put a big spotlight on the Democrats inaction here, and Pelosi and the Democrats are terrified of losing control of the narrative.

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