WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the last few days President Donald Trump has suggested that the U.S. should stop sending billions of taxpayer dollars every year to places and people that turn around and use that money to support violence and work against American interests.
First Trump called out Pakistan, which has received tens of billions of dollars over the years, essentially as bribes, while they persist in supporting the Afghan Taliban and other terrorists groups such as those that wage border wars with India.
Now, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is following up those tough words with tough legislative action that will do just what Trump is suggesting.
I’m introducing a bill to end aid to Pakistan in the coming days. My bill will take the money that would have gone to Pakistan and put it in an infrastructure fund to build roads and bridges here at home. pic.twitter.com/SHlA00rWEd
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) January 4, 2018
What’s a few billion here, a few billion there? A drop in the bucket say Big Government shills. Further, many consummate appeasers will argue that this aid is needed to buy loyalty and prevent more violence and attack against American interests.
Both of those arguments are hogwash. Why in the world should American taxpayers fund foreign actors that actively work against the security interests of our country?
Especially in places like Pakistan that support the existence of the Afghan Taliban that we’ve been fighting for years, and harbored a little terrorist mastermind by the name of Osama Bin Laden for years.
In conjunction with Paul’s bill, the Trump administration announced Thursday that it would be freezing nearly all security aid to Pakistan for years of ‘lies and deceit.’
This is a great start. Keep going.
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