CHARLOTTE – Several parents of public school students in Mecklenburg County have filed the first lawsuit against a school district in response to ‘all virtual’ instruction that “deprives students of their constitutional right to a sound basic education.”
It was only a matter of time before someone sued these school districts for throwing kids under the bus in favor of coddling the fears fomented by teachers associations regarding in-person instruction.
Now, something Democrats have historically pointed to in support of their education agenda — the education mandate in the N.C. Constitution — is being cited in the lawsuit.
From WFAE:
“[…] The lawsuit, filed Sept. 3 in Mecklenburg County Superior Court and first reported on by the Charlotte Ledger, claims CMS has put the needs of teachers above those of students. It claims that students with special needs, racial minorities and low-income students who lack access to online technology are especially harmed by being denied access to in-person classes.
Parents Nicholas and Natalie Foy, Bryan Crutcher, Sandy Blakely White and Stephen Lonnen are listed as plaintiffs suing the school board, Superintendent Earnest Winston, board Chair Elyse Dashew and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Association of Educators. […]”
It seems doubtful that the lawsuit will be effective in forcing the district to open up the schools, if only because the herd mentality concerning the coronavirus and the reactionary mitigation policies is thick.
Still, the suit should break the seal, so to speak, from which more discussion of can flow about just how damaging and wrong (and unconstitutional?) these school closures have been.
Read more about the suit as originally reported in the Charlotte Ledger.
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