CHAPEL HILL – Hundreds of students on campus the campus of UNC Chapel Hill are ill, sore, nauseous, with sensitivity to light, and raging head aches. They’re hungover.
In their stupor, the coeds are realizing that the university has just skidded to a stop, reversed course, and canceled all in-person classes to move all instruction online because of an outbreak of SARS-CoV2 that will likely produce less maladies among the population of students than the morning after a bar crawl.
From the Durham Herald Sun:
“The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will move all classes online starting Wednesday after reporting 130 more students had tested positive for coronavirus last week, the university announced Monday.
The university’s updated numbers follow weekend alerts about four clusters of COVID-19 cases in dorms, apartments and a fraternity house. UNC has reported 324 positive cases since February, according to its online dashboard, including 279 students and 45 staff members.
“As of this morning, we have tested 954 students and have 177 in isolation and 349 in quarantine, both on and off campus. So far, we have been fortunate that most students who have tested positive have demonstrated mild symptoms,” UNC Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz and UNC Provost Bob Blouin said Monday in a news release. […]”
After “clusters” became apparent, university officials and those curiously, similarly sympathetic to Social Justice protests and Pandemic Panic began to hyperventilate. Emergency meetings were called, the chancellor and administration was lectured by a Whiny and Terrified lot of Woke Warriors in the student newspaper, and fear spread rapidly. In the end, just like with other recent campus events in which a petulant mob dictates the terms, the university decided to undo the in=person classes and essentially disinvite everyone who does not need to be on campus.
Form the Daily Victim Tar Heel:
“[…] We all saw this coming. In his fall semester welcome message, Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz wrote, “As always, remember that it is our shared responsibility to keep each other safe. Every person you walk by on campus will be counting on you to diligently work to prevent the spread of the virus.”
But University leadership should have expected students, many of whom are now living on their own for the first time, to be reckless. Reports of parties throughout the weekend come as no surprise. Though these students are not faultless, it was the University’s responsibility to disincentivize such gatherings by reconsidering its plans to operate in-person earlier on.
The administration continues to prove they have no shame, and the bar for basic decency keeps getting lower. […]”
Yes, the university administration that simply tried to facilitate learning on campus and some semblance of a normal college life, even while performing myriad pointless tasks in order to make the fearful cohort feel better; they are shameless with no decency.
Apparently the editorial board at the DTH, and other fear mongers, were under the foolish impression that the virus would not spread, or some magic mitigation would stop it from spreading. They are also under the very popular, yet equally mistaken impression that SARS-CoV2 represents a serious threat to 18-22 year olds.
Mind you, not that it won’t spread among young people, but that even when they have symptoms they are mild, and the chance for serious impact is virtually none. The chancellor said they were “lucky” that most cases had only mild symptoms, yet that would suggest “only mild symptoms” isn’t a completely normal attribute of SARS-CoV2 for young healthy people, if they have symptoms at all.
It stands to reason that there are far more cases of infection among the student population, with no symptoms at all, or so little as to be confused with reverberations from that last game of beer pong. Had a student been hospitalized, no doubt that would have been the headline news.
Yet here we are, as students get disinvited from campus, and the trend toward fear and remote learning seems unstoppable.
How ’bout them Tar Heels?
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