DURHAM – Leaders in Durham County, meeting their commitment as one of North Carolina’s leading bastions of Leftism, have re-instituted a State of Emergency to officially compound the push for a new Pandemic Panic related to the Delta Variant.
The order, which affects the county and the City of Durham and includes a mask mandate, goes into effect at 5:00PM Monday.
From ABC11:
“[…] “It is unfortunate we are in this situation, but the Delta variant is extremely dangerous,” Durham Mayor Steve Schewel said. “Our local cases have grown exponentially over the last weeks and instituting a mask mandate is once again necessary to contain the spread of COVID-19 and protect yourself and our vulnerable neighbors.”
The State of Emergency calls for face coverings to be worn indoors, even among those who are fully vaccinated.
Durham residents are also encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
“The best way to curb the development of variants and stop the spread remains vaccination,” Schewel said. “Vaccines are safe and highly effective, free, and widely available in Durham. The City and County are also doubling down on our efforts to take vaccines into many of our communities. If you have not been vaccinated, I strongly encourage you to do so today.” […]”
It was only a matter of time before restrictions returned as a cudgel in pressuring the remaining unvaccinated population to get the jab. Of course, Durham is the perfect county to break the seal.
The campaign for private businesses to implement vaccine passports and employers to enact vaccine mandates for employees acts as another stick to enforce compliance.
As of now, the “mandate” for masks in Durham really only amounts to a strong recommendation, for which their is no enforcement measure. Chairwoman of the Durham County Board of Commissioners Brenda Howerton lamented that they are not at the stage in which they can make people wear them, but hinted that “we’ll see what Raleigh and the other counties do.”
There is a tangible sense that the blue urban counties will pour on the Pandemic Panic thicker and thicker as summer turns to fall.
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