RALEIGH – The pressure is building, and many states are already giving way, to re-implementing the strictest of lockdown orders in the face of spikes in COVID nationwide. Governor Roy Cooper is seems to be salivating over issuing such an edict.
Now, in yet another push towards the edge, a new effort led by researchers at Harvard Global Review have launched a new trend-tracker tool and are suggesting 14 states need to issue the Stay-at-Home orders immediately. And just in time for the holidays.
North Carolina is one of them.
This is what North Carolina looks like on the risk/suggested intervention map:
At this rate, and regardless of the supposedly sacrosanct liberties or the public’s opposition, we’d be surprised if Governor Roy Cooper doesn’t flex the crown in order to decree we all stay at home and shelter in place so that he may pat himself on the back for ‘doing something.’
Explore the rest of the data and recommendations of the latest lockdown-enabling tool here.
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