RALEIGH – Gov. Roy Cooper reveled in his recent victory at the N.C. Supreme Court concerning legislative reforms that made the State Board of Elections evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. The partisan decision was ripped by dissenting justices, but Cooper knew the fix was in months ago, apparently, as evident in his pointing to all the D’s on the bench as a source of his confidence.
Turns out an overwhelming majority of likely voters in North Carolina disagree with Cooper and the court when it comes to having a bipartisan board of elections, according to a recent poll conducted by the Civitas Institute.
When it comes to the state elections board, would you prefer:
79% A state elections board that is equally split between the Democratic and Republican parties
11% A state elections board controlled by one party
8% Don’t Know
2% Refused
That shouldn’t come as any surprise. The reforms instituted a LITERALLY bipartisan board – four Republicans, four Democrats – and ensured that all decisions required at least six votes for passage.
How is that unfair? Well, in Democrats’ minds it is unfair because it doesn’t let Cooper lord over the body and put a bunch of Democrats in charge of elections. How else could they push election feuds and outcomes to the Left if they had to have bipartisan support for measures that come before the board?
Now, if 79 percent could agree to give Cooper the boot in 2020 we’d be in business.
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